Feb 28, 2019

Marijuana legalization bills are advancing in several states

fromForbes:  Marijuana legalization advocates came into 2019 expecting it to be a huge year for cannabis, and lawmakers around the country are not disappointing them so far.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

No drugs, no crime and just pennies for school: how police use civil asset forfeiture

fromPulitzerCenter:  In the past two decades, the federal government took in $36.5 billion in assets police seized from the America people, many of whom never were charged with a crime or shown to have drugs.
Police State America

Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism

fromNYPost:  A war on liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not enough. Democrats go for the trifecta, as 44 vote for infanticide.
Media Bias on Parade

Apple's intensifying privacy & encryption stance worsening FBI struggles with lawbreakers 'going dark'

fromAppleInsider:  Because of Apple's and other companies' stances on end-to-end encryption, the U.S. government's trouble in intercepting online communications is only accelerating.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Additional Little Rock residents share stories of "unjustified" no-knock warrants

fromKATV:  Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump: "So as long as officers know that police involved shooting reviews that are meaningless rubber-stamps, they have no incentive to change their behavior."
Police State America

How Is abortion after birth not news?

fromLATimes:  A war on liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not enough. Democrats go for the trifecta, as 44 vote for infanticide.

Feb 27, 2019

Trump supports for new bill giving nationwide right to carry concealed weapons

fromLATimes:  Police state advocates are not pleased.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Google’s LISTENING: Nest security system has a secret embedded microphone

fromOrganicPepper:  “The on-device microphone was never intended to be a secret and should have been listed in the tech specs. That was an error on our part," says Google. After all, NSA knew all along.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'

fromFoxNews:  As Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, some are expressing words of resentment against a six-year-old gun control bill that stripped citizens of their weapons.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Please don't help the Alabama authorities catch this escaped drug dealer

fromReason:  Dyron Rashad Primus is serving 15 years for synthetic marijuana charges.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Tesla driver killed in high-speed Florida crash and fire

fromNewser:  Government-subsidized death traps. Apparently rescuers could not get to the trapped driver because there was no door handle on the outside of the door.
Economic Policy: Government Versus The Free Market      Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

The AI morality push which might make climate change compliance compulsory

fromWaatsUpWithThat:  If AI researchers get their way, in the near future we may no longer have the option of straying even slightly outside the politically correct mandates of our national leaders.

Feb 26, 2019

California lawmakers propose soda tax, outlawing super-size sugary drinks

fromLATimes:  California's tyrannical politicians cannot stop minding YOUR own business.

How The Jussie Smollett hoax reveals the scope of the surveillance state

fromActivistPost:  Modern technology is changing the approach to justice right before our eyes, as well as the See Something, Say Something citizen watch program.  This is the new surveillance state.

Venezuela aid trucks set ablaze as Maduro tells Trump: "yankee, go home"

fromZeroHedge:  The socialist goals of equality will have been achieved once everyone starves to death.

Study shows concealed carry permit holders break laws far less than cops

fromFreeThoughtProject:  A study of gun statistics across the country found that concealed carry permit holders break the law far less than police officers.

Walter E Williams: Hate crime hoaxes - the bad and the good

fromCreators:  This type of hoax is part and parcel of the left's broad agenda of victimology, fraudulence and gimmickry, plus gross media gullibility, incompetence and political attention seeking.

Trump vs. the FBI: Who are the good guys?

fromDailyBell:  “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” -Frank Herbert, Author of Dune

Feb 25, 2019

The case for legalizing blackmail

fromMises:  Don't confuse blackmail with extortion. Extortion is about applying pressure under threat of bodily harm. Blackmail is about applying pressure under threat of simply revealing the truth.

Phony Houston drug warrant prompts FBI investigation and review of 1,400 cases

fromReason:  Lying to justify a search that killed two people could be a capital crime.

NYC fast-food workers stunned some are being fired after $15 minimum wage hike

fromFEE:  Serving as ground zero for the $15 minimum wage battle, New York City saw its fast-food workers also serve as the subjects in an experiment that completely ignored the laws of economics.

The top four reasons California Is unsustainable

fromForbes:   California is moving ever farther left and wants the nation to pay for it. Economically, it is on a high-speed rail to unsustainability.

VIDEO: Away with Pretenses - Unabashed Media Bias

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  From Tucker Carlson Tonight, commentary from Lara Logan and Brit Hume on how the pretense of objectivity no longer exists in modern journalism.

To reduce money in politics, slash the size of government

fromReason:  Reformers always have a new scheme to take “the money out of politics," but it usually just makes the government larger and campaign spending increase.

Feb 22, 2019

How socialism broke Venezuela

fromCommentaryMagazine:  The tragic journey from Perez to Chavez to Maduro.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

FBI plotting to keep DNA of ENTIRE population on file to create ‘nation of suspects’

fromDailyStar:  President Donald Trump has signed the Rapid DNA Act into law which means the police can routinely take DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of a crime.
The Government is Not Us            Government is Watching Every Move You 

Our disastrous obsession with equality

fromMises:  “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” — Milton Friedman
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Victor Davis Hanson: Changing reality with words

fromTownhall:  Beware of euphemisms. Radical changes in vocabulary are usually admissions that reality is unwelcome or indefensible.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Study: Crackdown on prescriptions drove up Hep. C infections

fromFreeBeacon:  Government regulations succeeded only in transforming Oxycontin users into heroin addicts.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange      Regulation Nation

Arizona trying to become first in U.S. to require citizen DNA

fromActivistPost:  The ruling class finds it in their interest to know more about their human livestock.

Feb 21, 2019

The United States should legalize prostitution

fromCollegian:  Sex working is the most dangerous job in the country, even more so than logging or oil workers. Despite the general taboo associated with prostitution, legalizing it would benefit everyone more than expected.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Houston narc who lied to justify a deadly drug raid had been accused of perjury

fromReason:  There may be a consequence for the lying narco cop responsible for the deaths of two innocent people and the injuries to five other state agents.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Trump wants taxpayers reimbursed for billions thrown away on California's high speed rail scheme

fromCNBC:  Politicians lied about every aspect of the plan to rob federal taxpayers. The costs, feasibility and speed bear no resemblance to what had been promised.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption         Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Supreme Court to hear biggest gun rights case since 2010

fromReuters:  The U.S. Supreme Court took up its biggest gun rights case in nearly a decade, agreeing to hear a challenge to New York City’s strict limits on handgun owners transporting their firearms outside of the home.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Oregon on track to be 1st state with mandated rent controls

fromAP:  Now Oregon property owners are as helpless to dictate rents as they are to dictate taxes.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

How people in 1968 used jury nullification to block unreasonable arrests

fromCATO:  There wasn’t much doubt that the men had been doing what the law prohibited. Yet Long Island juries found them not guilty. That’s a phenomenon often called jury nullification.

Feb 20, 2019

Record high name government as most important problem

fromGallup:  Thirty-five percent of Americans name the government, poor leadership or politicians as the greatest problem facing the U.S. This is the highest percentage Gallup has recorded for this concern.
The Government is Not Us

After innocent couple murdered over cop’s lies, Houston police vow no more no-knock raids

fromFreeThoughtProject:  After a no-knock raid, based on lies, led to the murder of an innocent couple, Houston police chief Art Acevedo vows to no longer use them.
Police State America

Victor Davis Hanson pronounces the coup against Trump dead, then performs an autopsy

fromRedState:  FBI officials, like Andrew McCabe, found that the media was more than willing to oblige. Correspondents would happily publish any “leaks” officials were willing to provide.
Media Bias on Parade         Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

‘Free expression/free speech’ for students being muzzled

fromInsideSources:  Years of Supreme Court decisions have left student expression rights at a crossroads, even as justices have expanded safeguards for nearly every other area of free expression.
Indoctrination and Censorship

How the Feds are using civil asset forfeiture to threaten free speech

fromReason:  Sex, publishing, and quasi-legal theft collide in the Backpage prosecution.
Police State America       

A look into the legal distinction between sex trafficking and prostitution

from1011Now:  Prostitution is a consensual, but illegal, voluntary exchange. Human trafficking, is modern day slavery. Big difference.

Feb 19, 2019

How 1984 turned into an instruction manual

fromTheDailyBell:  One of the key themes from George Orwell’s dystopic novel 1984 is that the Party can do and say whatever it wants. And more importantly, you must believe it, with all your heart. No matter how absurd.
The Government is Not Us

Wayne Allyn Root: Democrats can't hide crazy

fromCreators:  Why is Donald Trump's approval rating surging? Look at what he is compared to.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Walter E Williams: Plunder - An American way of life

fromCreators:  "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Beyond guilt or innocence, should jurors weigh if law is worth enforcing?

fromChristianScienceMonitor:  Because juror deliberations are private, and rarely discussed afterward, it’s unclear how much nullification may be happening even without juries being instructed.

Feb 18, 2019

VIDEO: Off the Rails - California's High Speed Boondoggle

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  A tribute to the ability of politicians to rip off taxpayer money and grab citizen land with no accountability. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market         Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Feds collect record individual income taxes in calendar 2018--as debt climbs

fromCNSNews:  The federal government collected a record $1,665,484,000,000 in individual income taxes in calendar year 2018, according to the Monthly Treasury Statements for the year.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market       Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

These are dangerous times, and the government is to blame

fromRutherfordInstitute:  Mind you, it is not because of violent crime, which remains at an all-time low, or because of terrorism, which is statistically rare. The real danger comes from the U.S. government its powers to has granted to its standing army to steal, cheat, harass, detain, brutalize, terrorize, torture and kill.
The Government is Not Us         Police State America

You can't say that on Twitter

fromCreators:  She tweeted that "men are not women," and for that, Meghan Murphy, feminist journalist, was banned from Twitter. The truth qualifies as "hate speech" for some of the gnomes at Twitter HQ.
Indoctrination and Censorship          Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

The ‘war on drugs’ is causing great damage

fromTheGuardian:  Readers discuss the best way to combat the violence fueled by the drugs trade.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Majority of California residents want to leave: poll

fromBreitbart:  Sixty-two percent of respondents realize the Golden State's best days are in the past.

Feb 14, 2019

Green New Deal: A Democratic suicide note

fromWND:  Among the endorsers of this Green New Deal is Sen. Cory Booker, who compares the battle to stop climate change to fighting the Nazis in World War II.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery        Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and Russia

fromNBCNews:  The two and a half year long Democratic Party witch hunt comes up snake eyes.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Environmental Crisis: The Last Straw

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  Across the nation, the movement to ban plastic straws is gaining momentum. Tucker Carlson looks at the danger posed to Americans by this tubular menace.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

National debt hits a new record high: $22 trillion

fromReason:  A new record, but one that won't stand for long.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Cory Booker: ‘This planet simply can’t sustain’ people eating meat

fromWashingtonFreeBeacon:  The latest clown to pile into the car says he "is vegan because eating eggs 'didn't align with my spirit'.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery        Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Students' free speech rights need to be strengthened

fromNWI:  In 1965, the court reasoned, “It can hardly be argued that students shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”  What happened?
Indoctrination and Censorship

Feb 13, 2019

Rights and non-rights: a simple way to distinguish the two

fromFEE:  It’s readily apparent today that Americans are of widely different views on what a right is, how many we have, where rights come from, or why we have any in the first place.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle 

Some Washington sheriffs refuse to enforce new gun laws

fromABCNews:  Sheriffs in a dozen Washington counties say they won't enforce the state's sweeping new restrictions on semi-automatic rifles until the courts decide whether they are constitutional.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Police can seize cash in the mail. An innocent man found out the hard way.

fromGreenvilleNews:  Not since the days of the Sheriff of Nottingham have cops so openly practiced state-sponsored theft.
Police State America

Senator files '420' marijuana bill to legalize it federally

fromForbes:  The proposal would remove it from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), impose more taxes on sales and create a system of permits for businesses to engage in cannabis commerce.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Study: voter ID laws don’t stop people voting

fromFreeBeacon:  Strict voter ID laws do not suppress turnout, a new paper finds, regardless of sex, race, Hispanic identity, or party affiliation.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Abuse of Force: Body camera video shows man tased 11 times by officers in Arizona

fromKSHBKansasCity:  Multiple independent law enforcement experts, who agreed to review the incident, said the officers’ conduct was unlawful, potentially criminal.

Feb 11, 2019

The real reason 4 cops got shot in Houston last week

fromDailyBell:  When you look deeper at the case, you realize these cops didn’t get shot because of anti-police rhetoric. They got shot because they invaded an innocent couple’s home without announcing themselves.
Police State America   

Green new deal—same old progressive policies

fromReason:  Using climate change to justify government-guaranteed jobs, health care, and housing.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Jackboots in the morning: No one Is spared from this American nightmare

fromRutherfordInstitute:  Whatever dangerous practices you allow the government to carry out now— rest assured, these same practices can and will be used against you when the government decides it wants.
Police State America

Bezos protests invasion of his privacy, as Amazon builds sprawling surveillance state for everyone else

fromTheIntercept:  If the surveillance powers of the NSA, FBI or other agencies were used to obtain incriminating information about Bezos due to their view of him as a political enemy ...
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

New York police killed her son, then refused to answer her questions. The law they’re hiding behind.

fromReason:  An obscure provision designed to protect personnel records makes it nearly impossible to hold the state’s cops accountable.
Police State America      Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

The libertarian case for a border wall

from71Republic:  Though the wall would require a small amount of force, its long-term savings in government spending shows a principled and pragmatic necessity.

Feb 7, 2019

California Democrats are united in their efforts to continue damaging gun rights

fromUSNews:  Lawmakers take aim at law-abiding citizens. Increasingly, gun ownership itself is becoming a crime.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Documents indicate CNN was tipped off about the FBI's arrest of Roger Stone

fromTargetLiberty:  Stone’s attorneys are asking the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to provide answers to the American people on how someone could have obtained sealed grand jury indictments.
Media Bias on Parade       Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Welcome to the literal nanny state

fromActivistPost:  Oregon and Washington are making an unprecedented move that could go to yet another level of overreach  – home inspections for new parents.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery         Regulation Nation

Massive Harvard study contradicts anti-pot propaganda told to us for decades

fromZeroHedge:  It has long been stated that cannabis is a “gateway” drug, which leads users to experiment with other drugs, leading up to the most deadly, such as heroin. But the researchers in the study found ...
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

The winter is wreaking havoc on electric vehicle batteries

fromZeroHedge:  Disgruntled owners of Tesla Model 3s have been widespread on social media and online forums, talking about numerous issues they’ve had with cold weather on their vehicles.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Welcome to California, land of 1,000 laws — and that’s just this year

fromTheHill:  Given the current composition of the state legislature, there’s no telling what lawmakers will attempt next.

Feb 6, 2019

Donald Trump: ‘We’ve got to get out of these endless wars’

fromBreitbart:  President Donald Trump detailed his position Sunday on withdrawing troops United States from Afghanistan and Syria.
Defense Verses The War Machine

Major DNA testing company sharing genetic data with the FBI

fromBloomberg:  FamilyTreeDNA is the culprit. Unwitting citizens are paying to have their genetic information sent to the FBI and other government databases.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Are you a woman traveling alone? Marriott might be watching you.

fromReason: The surveillance tactics that have been adopted by hotel chains are part of a disturbing partnership between hospitality businesses and federal law enforcement to track the movements of people, especially women.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

How the drug war eats the poor

fromVice:  According to a new report by the NGO Health Poverty Action, prohibition drives poverty and criminality in places like Brazil and India.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Hawaii considers ban on cigarette sales

fromABC30:  Vice cops look for new products as busybodies seek to mind YOUR own business.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Capitalism has been the bane of poverty worldwide

fromReviewJournal:  Bill Gates noted that the proportion of people on Earth living in extreme poverty has declined from 94 percent in 1820 to below 9 percent today. “Most of the credit … must go to capitalism and free trade.”

Feb 5, 2019

A no-knock raid in Houston led to deaths and police injuries. Should police rethink the practice?

fromTexasMonthly:  The official HPD narrative is the only one we’ll have. Acevedo said none of the officers had been wearing body cameras during the raid. Tuttle and Nicholas will never be able to tell their side of the story.
Police State America

Government to Facebook pipeline reveals a corrupt mix of social media and the state

fromFreeThoughtProject:  The official HPD narrative is the only one we’ll have. Acevedo said none of the officers had been wearing body cameras during the raid. Tuttle and Nicholas will never be able to tell their side of the story.
Indoctrination and Censorship

‘Cooling is warming’: climate hoaxters panic as US freezes, media provides cover

fromWaatsUpWithThat?:  But here is my personal favorite headline from, where else?, NBC News…. “Yes, it can be this cold outside in a time of global warming.”
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

How to cop proof your cell phone

fromTargetLiberty:  The official HPD narrative is the only one we’ll have. Acevedo said none of the officers had been wearing body cameras during the raid. Tuttle and Nicholas will never be able to tell their side of the story.
Police State America      Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Marine vet films traffic stop from his porch; California cop gives him a concussion

fromReason:  Adrian Burrell was well within his rights to record the officer.
Police State America

Walter E Williams: Is reality optional?

fromCreators:  Suppose I declare that I am a king. Should you be required to address me as "Your Majesty"? You say, "Williams, that's lunacy! You can't prove such nonsense." You're wrong. It's proved by my declaration.

Feb 4, 2019

Walter E Williams: Demonizing white men

fromCreators:  The new racism. "There are only two ways to explain the silence by people who should know better. Either they agree with the sentiments expressed or they are out-and-out cowards."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

‘I’m not going to enforce that’: sheriffs disobey new anti-gun laws—refuse to disarm citizens

fromPJMedia:  We see "the behavior of a police state where the laws are written to help the government achieve its ends, not to guarantee the freedom of the people — and where police break the laws they are sworn to enforce."
2nd Amendment Assaults

⭐  VIDEO: The proper social system for man.

fromAynRandInstitute/YouTube:  A short lesson from Ayn Rand herself.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market         Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: Don't talk to cops

fromRegentUniversitySchoolofLaw/YouTube:  Information is Power. Know Your Rights
Police State America      Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Apocalyptic debt crisis in America: 63 of America’s largest 75 cities are completely broke

fromSHTFPlan:  Most of the debt is due to unfunded retiree benefits such as pension and health care costs.  That means those depending on that money, likely won’t see a dime of it. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Kamala Harris hopes you'll forget her record as a drug warrior and draconian prosecutor

fromPJMedia:  The senator and presidential hopeful went to bat for dirty prosecutors, opposed marijuana legalization, and championed policies that endanger sex workers.

Feb 1, 2019

Andrew Napolitano: An American nightmare

fromPJMedia:  We see "the behavior of a police state where the laws are written to help the government achieve its ends, not to guarantee the freedom of the people — and where police break the laws they are sworn to enforce."
Police State America

Have gun, can't travel

fromReason:  New York City’s arbitrary restrictions on transporting firearms give SCOTUS a chance to curtail rampant disrespect for the Second Amendment.
Second Amendment Assaults

The war on cash ramps up in EU

fromEconomicPolicyJournal:  The 'war on cash' cContinues as a major halt to Eurozone issuance of €500 notes begins. The U.S. has already abolished currency denomination over $100. The pretense is always crime.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle     Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Whatever Mueller finds, gag-orders and no-knock raids should appall everyone!

fromTheDailyBell:  This should raise red flags to the most rabid left-wing liberal, the staunchest thin-blue-line conservative, or anyone in between who cares one iota about personal freedom or an impartial justice system.
Police State America

Record cold forces rethink on global warming

fromPJMedia:  The precepts of environmental religion inconvenienced by reality.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Police in Houston promise to go after and ‘track’ those who criticize police

fromFreeThought Project:  "We’re going to be keeping track of all of you, and we’re going to make sure that we hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers."