L. Brent Bozell: Here Come the Indian Mascot Killers

Scalping free speech.    Anyone who thinks the cultural left is going to stop its political correctness with the Washington Redskins isn't reading USA Today. On the top of their Sports front page on July 22, the paper reported on activists taking a stand against "redface," championing a group called Eradicating Offensive Indian Mascotry. The thought   ... MORE

Pot's Popularity Creating Trying Times For US Prosecutor

by Joe Mozingo.       A lesson on jury nullification. Julie Shemitz watched warily as the judge asked prospective jurors whether they or anyone close to them had a card for medical marijuana. Ten hands lifted, a third of the jury pool. "Look at all those hands," the judge said. An assistant U.S. attorney, Shemitz knew that this would be a    ... MORE

VIDEO: Why Capitalism Is Better Than Socialism

WASH TIMES: Stopping Police Asset-Forfeiture Predators

Only the cops are against reform.        When the public is more afraid of the cops than the bad guys, the system is broken. There’s reason for some law-abiding Americans to worry about their pocketbook becoming lighter after a visit from the lawman. Bonnie and Clyde never pretended to be anything but robbers. A 64-year-old Texas      ... MORE

The Typical Household, Now Worth a Third Less

by Anna Bernasek.      Economic inequality in the United States has been receiving a lot of attention. But it’s not merely an issue of the rich getting richer. The typical American household has been getting poorer, too. The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36 %    ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: The Stealing of America

By the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress.  Call it what you will—taxes, penalties, fees or fines—but the only word that truly describes the constant bilking of the American taxpayer by the government and its corporate partners is theft. We’re operating in a topsy-turvy Sherwood Forest where instead of Robin Hood and   ... MORE

Jesse Walker: The Public Turns Against War

Saber rattling doesn't poll well anymore.      After a civilian airline was shot down over Ukraine last week, America's hawks stepped up their calls for a more muscular intervention in the country, with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) calling the White House "cowardly" because it hasn't armed the government in Kiev. But a new YouGov survey shows  ... MORE

VIDEO: FOX NEWS - IRS Scandal: Shifting Stories

Mike Marion: The Exorbitant Price Of The American Empire

Blood, treasure and soul.     It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but clear evidence can be seen at least in the aftermath of World War II. Some trace the origins back to 1898 and the Spanish-American War, or even earlier to the War of 1812. And still others would say that imperial ambitions were even on the minds of some of  ... MORE

Can We Fight Police Brutality With “Massive Open Carry”?

by Trevor Lyman.       Those of us that are aware of the problem of police brutality are desperately looking for a way to stop it via peaceful means. I believe that if the majority of the public were to open carry (which I would call “massive open carry”), police brutality would diminish greatly for two main reasons:  hb1.) More often than not the    ... MORE

VIDEO: Know Your Rights - Police Checkpoints

Snowden Plans To Work On Anti-Surveillance Technology

by Charlie Osborne.      Edward Snowden says he plans to develop and promote anti-surveillance technology to hamper government spying across the globe. The former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, who leaked confidential documents detailing the extensive surveillance activities of the NSA and the UK's GCHQ, called for   ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: What If Democracy Is A Fraud?

What if the government is not us?     What if you were allowed to vote only because it didn't make a difference? What if no matter how you voted the elites always got their way? What if the concept of one person/one vote was just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance? What if democracy as it has come to exist      ... MORE

Zenon Evans: Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study

It is all about the incentives.         "The longer individuals were exposed to socialism, the more likely they were to cheat on our task," according to a new study, "The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems," from Duke University and the University of Munich. The team of researchers concluded this after working with 259   ... MORE

John Stossel: Policing America

Today there are more than 50,000 "no-knock raids" a year. I want the police to be better armed than the bad guys, but what exactly does that mean today Apparently it means the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade     ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Playing Favorites With Crapitalism

Allen Smith: Rhode Island Proves Legalizing Prostitution Will Decrease Rape And Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

It happened by accident.       For a brief period of history, Rhode Island was the only state where prostitution was legal in every county. Now, a new report shows legalized prostitution led to a decrease in rapes and sexually transmitted diseases within the state, the Washington Post reports. The report, published by the National Bureau of      ... MORE

Jacob Sullum: Drug War Refugees

The children are fleeing prohibition-related violence.       As thousands of children fleeing violence in Central America seek refuge in the United States, some commentators are blaming American drug users. "If there weren't a lot of Americans seeking marijuana and heroin and cocaine," says former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, "there     ... MORE

VIDEO: Food Trucks and Carts Serve Clean Food