Showing posts with label class warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class warfare. Show all posts

Kurt Schlicter: My Privilege Is Doing Just Fine

How to undermine the self-supporting.      Liberals have a new word for what normal people call “success.” They call it “privilege,” as if a happy, prosperous life is the result of some magic process related to where your great-great-great-grandfather came from. It’s the latest leftist argument tactic, which means it is a tactic designed to prevent   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Moral Bankruptcy

As if monetary poverty is not enough!     If you want to get some idea of the moral bankruptcy of our educational system, read an article in the May 4th issue of the New York Times Magazine titled, "The Tale of Two Schools."The article is not about moral bankruptcy. But it is itself an example of the moral bankruptcy behind the many failures     ... MORE

Democrats' Policies Make Income Inequality Worse

by George Will.   Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it. So Barack Obama will not temper his enthusiasm for increased equality with lucidity about the government’s role in exacerbating inequality. In the movie “Animal House,” Otter, incensed by the expulsion of his fraternity,    ... MORE

Victor Volsky: Obeying The Dog Whistle

Focus on the young, not the mind-numbed zombies.       In George Orwell's immortal dystopia Animal Farm, the ruling pigs distilled the revolutionary ideology for the stupider animals, such as the sheep, hens and ducks, to a simplistic but highly useful slogan, "Four legs good, two legs bad". Not only did it explain to the dumb masses the     ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Politics Of Hate And Envy

Part of the progressive agenda is to create hate and envy. One component of that agenda is to attack the large differences between a corporation's chief executive officer's earnings and those of its average worker. CNNMoney published salary comparisons in "Fortune 50 CEO pay vs. our salaries". Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf's annual salary    ... MORE

Is Tiger Woods Smarter Than Phil Mickelson?

by Thomas DiLorenzo.    Pro golfer Phil Mickelson, who just won the British Open, will reportedly pay a 61% tax on his earnings, including 13 1/2 percent to the state of California.  (Medieval serfs paid “only” 40 percent).  He’s ranked as the #2 golfer in the world.  The #1 golfer, Tiger Woods, who is also a native Californian, lives in zero-income-tax  ... MORE

Tax Bracket Chart: California's War On The Working Class

9.3% state income tax on $47,000 of earnings.     Technically, you don't have just one "tax bracket" - you pay all of the California marginal tax rates from the lowest tax bracket to the tax bracket in which you earned your last dollar. For comparison purposes, however, your California tax bracket is the tax bracket in which your last     ... MORE

Doug Bandow: Fewer Taxpayers, More Spending

Those who still pay income taxes will pay even more.   Under economic pressure, the Obama administration has pursued an increasingly vigorous class war strategy. At the same time people continue to be dropped from the income tax rolls. This likely expands government and increases what the rest of us will have to pay. Throughout its early   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Happy New Year?

Not so fast.     The beginning of a new year is often a time to look forward and look back. The way the future looks, I prefer to look back — and depend on my advanced age to spare me from having to deal with too much of the future. If there are any awards to be given to anyone for what they did in 2012, one of those rewards should be for prophecy,   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Phony In Chief

True believers may not want to know the truth. When President Barack Obama and others on the left are not busy admonishing the rest of us to be "civil" in our discussions of political issues, they are busy letting loose insults, accusations and smears against those who dare to disagree with them. Like so many people who have been beaten in a verbal    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: The Rich Don't Pay Enough?

Obama exploits ignorance on taxes.    If you listen to America's political hacks, mainstream media talking heads and their socialist allies, you can't help but reach the conclusion that the nation's tax burden is borne by the poor and middleclass while the rich get off scot-free. Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for The Wall     ... MORE

Harry Binswanger: Revenge Of The Zeros

Battle between Rand and collectivism reaches a climax. With President Obama’s line “You didn’t build that,” the battle between individualism and collectivism has reached a climax. Obama has openly denied individual achievement, spitting in the face of every individual who ever had a creative thought. Obama has ventured to say straight   ... MORE

Barry Farber: Why Obama's Not 20 Points Down

The president has created a new in-the-bag voting bloc. Barack Obama may go down as one of the greatest political geniuses in history. Sorry; no punch line. This is not a joke. Many politicians get elected by adroit manipulation of existing voting blocs: black, Hispanic, Jewish, women, etc. Some even originate new and effective ways to rally  ... MORE