Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts

Juan Cole: Ten American Steps Toward A Police State

How politicians are making your world into a prison.    The police state, a term first coined in the mid-19th century in German (Polizeistaat), is characterized by a standing political police, by intense domestic surveillance and by restrictions on the movements of citizens. Police states are on a spectrum, and unfortunately in the past   ... MORE

Garry Reed: Man Facing 81 Years Seeks Jury Nullification

Pot dealer punished for refusing to rat out friends.   Today is Day One in Rich Paul's fight against legal prosecution for an act that the libertarians at CopBlock call "victimless actions." Paul, a political activist in New Hampshire, is charged with selling marijuana and faces up to 81 years in jail on felony charges. Paul had a chance to get the    ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: 12 Liberal Pledges For The New Year

Conquering one form of mental illness. Here are twelve comical but true resolutions that every liberal should make for 2013: 1.) Resolve to spend time with gun-owners. I have a liberal friend who says she would rather be in the same room as a cobra snake than a gun, even an unloaded gun. Guns really, really scare her. But guns don’t kill.   ... MORE

Ed Morrissey: You Have The Right To Not Pay Union Dues

Union dues are not an entitlement.   The battle between unions and state governments continued this week — just as it has for the last two years — in territory normally considered friendly for labor organizations. In the winter of 2011, Wisconsin forced an end to mandatory union contributions for state employees — and conservatives        ... MORE

E Spitzer: We Must Defend Even The Ugliest Free Speech

-- Especially when there are riots. At the annual meeting of the U.N. General Assembly this week, plenty of voices will be heard, including that of the hateful president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and not one of those voices will be censored. Rarely has the value of free speech been so threatened. The arc of the unfortunate story is now well-told:    ... MORE

VIDEO: Pat Condell - A Word To Rioting Muslims

Let's just put it out on the front steps where the goats can get it.

Christopher Elliott: Who Are The Real TSA Dissidents?

Liberty-lovers are losing their country.   See the footage of Julio Rausseo, an activist and journalist, at Chicago's Union Station the day after the Fourth of July. Why is he so upset? Because there are TSA agents at the train station, and they're about to set up a screening area. This audio recording was taken a week later, after Rausseo posted the first   ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: Obama Losing The Keystone Pipeline Battle

Between an environmentalist rock and a labor hard place. The Keystone XL pipeline is roiling U.S. electoral politics again. TransCanada refiled its application for a permit to build the pipeline with the State Department last week. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has vowed, “I will build that pipeline if I have to do it    ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: Criminalizing Free Speech In The U.S.

Congress abridges the freedom to speak and assemble.   One of the key ingredients in a democracy is the right to freely speak our minds to those who represent us. In fact, it is one of the few effective tools we have left to combat government corruption and demand accountability. But now, even that right is being chipped away by statutes and court rulings  ... MORE

Peter Berger: On Blasphemy Laws

Religious groups raise hell over words.   In common usage blasphemy means words and actions which constitute an insult to God or other sacred entities. To the modern mind the term may seem obsolete, a leftover from primitive superstition. It is anything but obsolete to many people in the contemporary world. Toward the end of January two ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Insuring The Uninsurable

Pitting conscience against coercion. Controversy rages over the Obama administration’s proposed (and later modified) mandate that all employers—including Catholic hospitals and universities—include free contraception in their employee health insurance policies. Catholic officials object that since their church forbids contraception, the decree   ... MORE

Gary North: Victory On SOPA: Lessons Learned

"When we feel the heat, we see the light." - Senator Everett Dirksen. On Wednesday, January 18, the forces of liberty grained a major political victory over the entrenched meddlers in Congress. The owners of a handful of popular Internet sites joined together to protest SOPA/PIPA. They blacked out their sites and provided information on the threat to Internet ... MORE

John Fricke: Should I Buy A Gun?

A question everyone should be asking.  I have never owned a gun. Matter of fact, I have fired a gun a grand total of one time in my life. I shouldered a shotgun out in the north Georgia woods when I was nineteen years old and fired at a milk bottle filled with water as a target. The kick from the gun nearly tore my shoulder off, since I obviously had no clue what ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Disturbing Agenda of Occupy Wall Street

Protestors are wrong to favor forced equality over liberty. The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, obsessed with fairness, has benefitted from the lack of it. The protesters don't think so—but that is because many of them have not thought enough. The demonstrators resent disparity. So consider the disparity in coverage of OWS and the Tea Party. A single ... MORE

Shikha Dalmia: Don't Mind The Gap

What matters is income mobility, not income inequality. I hate to be the bearer of good news just as the Occupy Wall Street movement is gathering steam, but protesters can stop worrying about rising inequality and go home. New evidence suggests that the super-rich got hit by the recession much harder than the rest of the 99 percent. This doesn’t mean that they  ... MORE 

VIDEO: John Stossel - 99% Economic Illiteracy

People have taken to the streets mad as hell, but don't seem to understand why.

George Reisman: In Praise Of The Capitalist 1 Percent

Everyone benefits from the hated capitalists. The protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement and its numerous clones elsewhere in the country and around the world chant that 1 percent of the population owns all the wealth and lives at the expense of the remaining 99 percent. The obvious solution that they imply is for the 99 percent to seize the wealth of ... MORE