VIDEO: John Stossel - Politics & Energy Don't Mix

Walter E Williams: Democracy Is Impossible

Rule of law and property rights are the key. After Moammar Gadhafi's downfall as Libya's tyrannical ruler, politicians and "experts" in the U.S. and elsewhere, including French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, are saying that his death marked the end of 42 years of tyranny and the beginning of democracy in Libya. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said Gadhafi's death represented an opportunity for Libya to make a peaceful and responsible transition ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Payday Loans

Borrowers trapped into never-ending cycle of debt? California is a great place for studying the thinking -- or lack of thinking -- on the political left. The mindset of the left was recently displayed in a big, front-page story in the October 30th issue of the San Mateo County Times. It was an investigative reporter's expose of the "payday loan" business and its lobbyists.    ... MORE

Housing Crisis Caused By Government, Not Bankers

Smoking-gun document ties policy to housing crisis. President Obama says the Occupy Wall Street protests show a "broad-based frustration" among Americans with the financial sector, which continues to kick against regulatory reforms three years after the financial crisis. "You're seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack ... MORE

VIDEO: Economic Blue Smoke & Mirrors? You Decide.

Pinning down economist Jared Bernstein is like trying to grab an oiled pig.
Interviewer Jan Helfeld shows how it can be done.

Shikha Dalmia: Don't Mind The Gap

What matters is income mobility, not income inequality. I hate to be the bearer of good news just as the Occupy Wall Street movement is gathering steam, but protesters can stop worrying about rising inequality and go home. New evidence suggests that the super-rich got hit by the recession much harder than the rest of the 99 percent. This doesn’t mean that they  ... MORE 

BLOOMBERG: More Tax Money Wasted On Green Energy

Another taxpayer-backed company goes bankrupt. Beacon Power Corp., an energy- storage company that received $43 million in backing from the U.S. program that supported failed solar-panel maker Solyndra LLC, filed for bankruptcy after struggling to raise private financing. The money-losing company, which makes flywheels that manage energy moving through ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Ron Paul's Unusual Path

Substance over style. No one in this year's race has spent more time running for president than Ron Paul, who before entering the Republican primaries in 2008 and 2012 was the 1988 nominee of the Libertarian Party. And no one runs for president quite the way Paul does. His town hall meeting is in an auditorium at the Figge Art Museum, which an audience of some ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - That Top 1%

Just who makes up that top 1%?

Cash-Flooded Banks To Impose Fees On Depositors

Interest-earning days will soon be forgotten. This story did not break on some freakishly obscene Halloween website, but last week, CNBC ran the story that banks are now flooded with cash and that depositors are being charged fees just to slow the flood of money into the bank (article here). This means that negative interest rates appear to have arrived. Savers will ... MORE

Spooky: U.S. Debt To Surpass GDP On Halloween

from the Daily Caller. As children across America costume themselves as ghouls, ghosts, goblins and former North African dictators Monday night, they may have missed the most spine-chilling scare of the day. According to calculations based on the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, on All Hallows’ Eve the United States’ total debt will surpass ... MORE

REUTERS: Lawmakers Unfazed By Downgrade Risk

Congress fiddles while America's economy burns. A growing number of lawmakers do not think another downgrade of the country's AAA rating will harm America's economy, raising questions about how much pressure Congress is under to fix the intractable budget deficit. Analysts warn, however, that signs of complacency on Capitol Hill threaten efforts to cure America's ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - The Virtue Of Selfishness

Thinking about the virtue of acting in one's own rational self-interest.

John Stossel: School Competition Rescues Kids

Government's monopoly over k-12 education has failed. For years, American education from kindergarten through high school has been a virtual government monopoly. Conventional wisdom is that government must run the schools. But government monopolies don't do anything well. They fail because they have no real competition. Yet competition is what gives us ... MORE

BREITBART: Chicago May Decriminalize Marijuana

Freeing up resources for more serious crimes. Chicago pot smokers may soon be able to light up without fear of jail time. Several Windy City councilmen said Thursday they plan to introduce a local law that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in order to cut costs and free up police to handle more serious crimes. Chicago police ... MORE