Victor Davis Hanson: A Gasoline Nightmare

5 reasons Obama's oil tactics won't work. Obama is barnstorming the west — blasting oil companies, trying to convince voters that he supports an “all of the above” policy, and reminding them that drilling has increased since his tenure. But that won’t work for five reasons. 1) No one believes that Obama is sincere. In 2008, in the hope-and-change  ... MORE

Jonah Goldberg: The Federalist Solution

Disempower the national elites. The bleating about broken government and partisanship continues: “Why can’t those boobs in Washington agree on anything?” We’re constantly told that the way to fix the country is to dethrone the Left and the Right and empower the middle. Americans Elect, No Labels, the Gangs of Six and Fourteen, conservative Democrats, and  ... MORE

Russ Vaughn: Fast & Furious Was Gun Control To Die For

Operation Vast & Obvious grows ominous. When Operation Fast & Furious first broke into the news, many of us immediately questioned the DoJ's irrational rationale. The proffered assertion that the program was designed to track firearms purchased in America to leaders of the Mexican drug cartels simply made no sense. The glaringly obvious flaw in the ... MORE

Jacob Sullum: Dharun Ravi's Hateless Hate Crime

Punished for his dead roommates's imagined feelings.    After Dharun Ravi was convicted of "bias intimidation" crimes that carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison, many people wondered why he had rejected a plea deal that would have kept him out of jail. Ravi's lawyer explained that the 20-year-old defendant's parents "didn’t believe their son acted with  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Obama's Case For More Debt

Christopher Chantrill: The Optics Of Obama's Failures

Of socialized medicine, green energy and Keynesian economics. People are starting to worry that President Obama might be wobbling on his visionary "all of the above" program to bring on the green energy millennium, what with $5.00 gas in the Northeast states. But don't worry. Even though the administration will be changing its "optics" on energy by featuring   ... MORE

Michelle Minton: Let States Regulate Internet Gambling

Government should protect, not restrict, freedom. This country has many serious problems to address, but an activity that millions of people around the world voluntarily enjoy, mostly without incident, is not one of them and it certainly does not warrant a big new federal regulatory agency. In a recent op-ed in The Washington Examiner, former Pennsylvania    ... MORE

VIDEO: Challenging California's Open Carry Ban

John Hawkins: 5 Reasons Socialism Is Inferior To Capitalism

Economic liberty means people getting what they want.   "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill. Saying that capitalism is better than socialism is like saying that winning a million dollars is better than being in a high impact car crash.    ... MORE

Rich Lowry: The Sad Plight Of Obama's Edsel

Chevy Volt is the Solyndra of automobiles.   President Barack Obama says he wants to buy a Chevy Volt when he’s out of office in five years. If getting into a General Motors electric automobile means so much to him, he’d better hope he loses in November. What the president dubbed the “car of the future” in a visit to a Volt plant may not make it to January 2017.      ... MORE

Josh Barro: Santorum Promises Broad War On Porn

The busybody candidate's quest to save us from ourselves. The Daily Caller flags a little-discussed position paper on Rick Santorum’s campaign website—his pledge to aggressively prosecute those who produce and distribute pornography. Santorum avers that “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography.” He pledges to use the    ... MORE

Goose Bumps And Yawning Signs Of Potential Terrorism?

Homeland Security's latest scheme to spot terrorists. The office of Homeland Security is warning that apparently innocuous behavior in passengers could be a sign that they are a terrorist. A presentation released by the New Jersey office of the agency warns  that passengers yawning, developing goose bumps and appearing fidgety could all be      ... MORE

VIDEO: A Napolitano - From Stamp Act To ObamaCare

Obama Administration: All Your Stuff Belongs To Us

"Creeping totalitarianism" is happening in America. Did you know that the federal government claims that it can take away your constitutional rights any time that it wants to?  Over the past several decades, there have been an endless parade of laws and executive orders that have been slowly and methodically carving up our rights under the U.S. Constitution. ... MORE