Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

🌟Jim Cardoza: Why Hillary Clinton is Flashing a Devilish Smile

"Certainly, one does not need 20-20 vision to see warts on Donald Trump. They are neon. He is brash, arrogant, far too glib, frequently insulting and routinely defensive. Unlike a polished politician, he hasn’t learned to measure his words and shroud his intentions. But while he is admittedly flawed in a myriad of ways, he does present two very under-appreciated qualities in the era of FBI cover-upssecret domestic surveillance and other hidden agenda schemes."

VIDEO: Stossel - Trump: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Trump Movement Is Backlash Against Political Correctness

by Robby Soave.  Stephen Baldwin—the actor, outspoken conservative, and brother of Alec Baldwin—supports Donald Trump for president, and his main reason is this: Trump is against political correctness. "The first policy of his that I favor is this guy is gonna take a stand when it comes to the BS of the PC—the political correctness," said Baldwin in an interview  ... MORE

John Stossel: Another Libertarian Moment?

An alternative to Clinton and Trump.  The Libertarian Party might get more votes this year. Before the primaries, Time Magazine, frequent pusher of trends that do not exist, put Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ken.) on its cover and called him the "most interesting man in politics." Then Paul fizzled, and pundits said the "libertarian moment," if there ever was   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The 'Voice Of The People' Fallacy

An understanding of convenience.      We hear many fallacies in election years. The fallacy that seems to be most popular this year is that, if Donald Trump comes close to getting the 1,237 delegates required to become the Republican nominee, and that nomination goes instead to someone else, then the convention will have ignored "the voice   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Dangerous Donald Trump

A serious, mature president is needed.  Donald Trump's victories in the Republican primaries may make him seem like a sure winner. But those victories have been achieved by receiving either somewhat less than 40 percent of the votes or somewhat more than 40 percent, but never a majority. The fragmenting of the Republican vote among many   ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Worst President Ever

Anthony L. Fisher: How Distrust Of Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Have Made the Libertarian Party Relevant

The dawning of a libertarian moment? Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the likely presidential nominees of America’s two major political parties, would be among the best-known and most-disliked candidates in history. What better time for the Libertarian Party (LP), the only third party that will be on all 50 states’ ballots, to make its move    ... MORE

China Trade Isn't Killing America's Working Class

by Shikha Dalmia.    Politicians & misconceptions. American politics aren't exactly immune to bouts of protectionism. A Bloomberg poll has found that two-thirds of Americans, Republicans and Democrats, are four-square behind it—a sentiment that Bernie Sanders is exploiting on the left and Donald Trump on the right. But although free trade has     ... MORE

The Candidates' Public Disservice On Trade

by A. Barton Hinkle.   Almost three-fifths of Americans recognize that international trade offers the country an opportunity to expand the economy; only 34 percent see it as a threat. Unfortunately, the leading presidential contenders are doing their best to change that. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been spouting a  ... MORE

John Stossel: The Art Of Trump

Hooray for Donald Trump!   I can ice skate in Central Park because Trump got the skating rink fixed after New York City couldn't. Couldn't, you ask? Really? How is that possible? New York City government couldn't fix an ice rink? Sad, but true. Despite six years of effort and fiddling with 13 million taxpayer dollars, government's bureaucracy was unable  ... MORE

Jeremy Carl: The Insane Campaign Of John Kasich

Donald Trump's useful idiot.   The GOP primary is a battle between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. This has been fairly obvious since at least Super Tuesday, and it is overwhelmingly obvious today. The campaign of John Kasich is a joke, and not a particularly funny one, unless you like humor at the expense of the GOP and conservatism. Yet the      ... MORE

Betsy Woodruff: Ted Cruz And Donald Trump Want To Make America A Police State After Brussels

Fear-mongering for votes.   We didn’t even have a body count in Brussels before Ted Cruz and Donald Trump started calling for a police-state trial run in America. Within hours of the bombs there that left dozens dead and more wounded, the top two Republican presidential candidates here were duking it out to see who could pitch the most    ... MORE

Trump Is Not Responsible For Violence Against Him

by Michael Hurd.  The anti-free speech, anti-American protesters are. Donald Trump was forced to cancel a rally in Chicago due to threats of violence. Apparently, even the police were afraid. Black Lives Matter, a group which openly supports violence to attain its goals of socialism, cheers the shutdown. They tweeted such comments as, “Way   ... MORE

John Stossel: Political Promises

How to buffalo low-info voters. Democrats trash businesses. But if businesses promised things the way politicians do, the owners would be jailed for fraud. It's not legal to promise more than you can deliver. I don't suggest that prosecutors should go after politicians who lie. Voters can do that. Political speech should be free. But politicians' promises   ... MORE

Walter E. Block: Libertarians For Trump

The case for Trump being the libertarians best bet.  Dr. Donald Miller ( and I ( are starting up a new group to be called Libertarians for Trump. LFT has its work cut out for it in mobilizing massive support for Donald Trump within the libertarian community. For there are some libertarians who    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Desperate Tactics

The panic over Trump. It is desperation time for the Republican party establishment. Its extremely well financed favorite — Jeb Bush — never got anywhere with the voters in the primaries, and has already been forced out of the contest. This should at least cause some second thoughts — or perhaps first thoughts — by people who keep repeating that   ... MORE