Showing posts with label academic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label academic. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Educational Rot

Schools of education are academic slums.   American education is in a sorry state of affairs, and there's enough blame for all participants to have their fair share. They include students who are hostile and alien to the education process, uninterested parents, teachers and administrators who either are incompetent or have been beaten down by the system,   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell - Shepherds And Sheep

Sheep are easily led astray.     John Stuart Mill's classic essay "On Liberty" gives reasons why some people should not be taking over other people's decisions about their own lives. But Professor Cass Sunstein of Harvard has given reasons to the contrary. He cites research showing "that people make a lot of mistakes, and that those mistakes can prove ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Experts Aren't Deities

Let's look at experts. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a mathematician and scientist. Newton has to be the greatest and most influential scientist who has ever lived. He laid the foundation for classical mechanics, and his genius transformed our understanding of science, particularly in the areas of physics, mathematics and astronomy. What's not widely known  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell - The Role Of 'Educators'

Indoctrination skills on parade.  Many years ago, as a young man, I read a very interesting book about the rise of the Communists to power in China. In the last chapter, the author tried to explain why and how this had happened. Among the factors he cited were the country's educators. That struck me as odd, and not very plausible, at the time.       ... MORE

The Governing Class And The Decline Of America

by Steve McCann.  The United States will not reverse its descent into the abyss of financial and societal bankruptcy until the current political and governing establishment is replaced.  That will not happen until the American people, who have been deliberately ill-educated and deceived, experience first-hand the early stages of the turmoil and        ... MORE

Robert VerBruggen: Free Speech On FIRE

Greg Lukianoff catalogues censorship on campus.       ‘The essentiality of freedom in the community of American universities is almost self-evident,” wrote Earl Warren in a 1957 Supreme Court opinion. Apparently, American universities themselves have come to disagree. In Unlearning Liberty, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Poverty Nonsense

Bad decisions can be hazardous to your economic health. Here's a recent statement frequently suggested by leftist academics, think tank researchers and policymakers: "People were not just struggling because of their personal deficiencies. There were structural factors at play. People weren't poor because they made bad decisions. They were poor  ... MORE

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action

A dishonest system that hurts minorities. Affirmative action in university admissions started in the late 1960s as a noble effort to jump-start racial integration and foster equal opportunity. But somewhere along the decades, it has lost its way. Over time, it has become a political lightning rod and one of our most divisive social policies.       ... MORE

John Stossel - Strangulation By Union

Chicago Teachers 1 School Children 0. The Chicago teachers strike is over, but the public didn't win. Schools will still transfer bad teachers to other schools because it's nearly impossible to fire them. When bad teachers go from school to school, principals call it "the dance of the lemons." It would be funny if those teachers didn't slowly wreck  ... MORE

Eyder Peralta: 2012 SAT Reading Scores Lowest In 40 Years

Based on 1.7 million test scores. NPR's Claudio Sanchez brings us this bit of bad academic news: The class of 2012 scored the lowest average SAT reading score since 1972. A bit of good news is that math scores were up. Claudio filed this report for our Newscast unit: "Writing, too, is down nine points since the SAT introduced a writing section in 2006.  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Obama's Educational Initiative

It's all about enriching the educational establishment. President Barack Obama recently wrote an executive order that established a White House initiative on educational excellence for black Americans that will be housed in the Department of Education. It proposes "to identify evidence-based best practices" to improve black achievement in     ... MORE

Carrie Lucas: Let's Make Education Big Business

Utilize profit, loss and high pay for top performance. When you see that Americans spend more than $1.1 trillion on education—that’s 7.8 percent of GDP—it’s tempting to call education “big business.”  Except that it’s not really: 80 percent of that spending is controlled by government and spent on public schools and universities.  That means that it’s ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - A Personal Odyssey

Sowell's journey from Marxist to free market advocate.

John Fund: Censoring Naomi Riley

She was fired for having the courage to state the obvious. The Oslo Freedom Forum is an annual event sponsored by the New York–based Human Rights Foundation, which brings together dissidents and journalists from all over the world to show that people of good will can promote basic freedoms without an overlay of ideology. Censorship, both official  ... MORE

Stephanie Banchero: School Vouchers Gain Ground

Louisiana is expanding their program.   Louisiana is poised to establish the nation's most expansive system of school choice by adopting a package of vouchers and other tools that would give many parents control over the use of tax dollars to educate their children. The initiative would effectively redefine vouchers, which have typically helped lower- ... MORE