Showing posts with label free enterprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free enterprise. Show all posts

Wayne Allyn Root: How To Win The Battle For Capitalism

Remember what produces our high standard of life.   I was recently asked to deliver a lecture about the virtues of capitalism, entrepreneurship, and the rules of business success at Harvard University. I am thrilled to report that capitalism and entrepreneurship are alive, well, and still celebrated — even at one of the world’s greatest       ... MORE

Arthur Brooks: A Moral Case For Free Enterprise

Excerpted and adapted from "The Road to Freedom." Liberals often accuse conservatives of being obsessed by morality. But the truth is, many conservatives are reluctant to talk about morals or make a moral case for anything in politics and policy. They're willing to talk about principles, perhaps. Values, maybe. But morals? That evokes unpleasant    ... MORE

John Stossel: Big Government Makes Us Small

Know-it-all politicians are job killers.   Politicians say they "create jobs." In fact, only the private sector generates the information needed to create real, productive jobs. Since this current post-recession job recovery is the slowest in 80 years, you'd think that even know-it-all politicians would want to sweep away the labyrinth of government regulations that    ... MORE

John Hawkins: 5 Reasons Socialism Is Inferior To Capitalism

Economic liberty means people getting what they want.   "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill. Saying that capitalism is better than socialism is like saying that winning a million dollars is better than being in a high impact car crash.    ... MORE

VIDEO: Real Estate Agents And You

Does your real estate agent agent have your best interests in mind?

Mike Tuttle: Rush Limbaugh And Freedom Of Speech

Are his right being trampled?  After Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut, the Internet exploded with comments from people taking one side or another. And, while Limbaugh’s faithful “mega-dittoes” crowd could be counted upon to defend their champion, it was the “strange bedfellows” that were made that confounded many. Bill Maher came out in open   ... MORE

Michael Hurd: The Productive And The Unproductive

There are only two classes in a free society.   Mitt Romney claims that his tax cuts will stimulate the economy and pay off the deficit. If history is any guide, this won’t be true. Ronald Reagan cut taxes in the 1980s. For a time, the economy improved and the government gained more revenue. Congress spent that money and expanded the deficit. George W. Bush ... MORE

Charles Krauthammer: ObamaCare Vs. The Constitution

Give him points for cleverness.     President Obama’s birth control “accommodation” was as politically successful as it was morally meaningless. It was nothing but an accounting trick that still forces Catholic (and other religious) institutions to provide medical insurance that guarantees free birth control, tubal ligation and morning-after abortifacients — all of which ... MORE

Karin Agness: Why Ron Paul Appeals To Young Voters

A champion of free enterprise and limited government. The first primaries of 2012 are complete, but the fight over the proper role of government continues. The question before GOP primary voters is who best reflects their own answer to that question, and then, who is best suited to make that case to the American people? A clear winner has yet to  ... MORE

Washington Times: The Free Market's New Frontier

America’s adventuresome spirit is not dead yet. President Obama, the naysayer in chief, may have grounded NASA’s government-issued astronauts, but space entrepreneurs are making plans to tank up and take off on their own. Last month, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen announced he is investing $200 million of his own fortune in a startup space  ... MORE

John Stossel: A Libertarian Year Ahead?

As 2011 draws to a close, I wonder: Is freedom winning? Did America become freer this year? Less free? How about the rest of the world? I'm a pessimist. I fear Thomas Jefferson was right when he said, "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." That's what's happened. Bush and Obama doubled spending and  ... MORE

Jacob G. Hornberger: Vision Of A Free Society

The answers that freedom provides.   If we abolish public schooling, then how will the poor be educated? If drug laws are repealed, won't everyone go on drugs? If Social Security is abolished, won't old people starve to death? If we don't have Medicare and Medicaid, how would anyone afford decent medical care? If we don't have licensing, won't quacks be performing heart ... MORE

John Stossel: The Lost Lesson Of Thanksgiving

Pilgrims learned all about the "tragedy of the commons."    Had today's political class been in power in 1623, tomorrow's holiday would have been called "Starvation Day" instead of Thanksgiving. Of course, most of us wouldn't be alive to celebrate it. Every year around this time, schoolchildren are taught about that wonderful day when Pilgrims and Native   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Profits Are For People

Profit is not a four-letter word. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are demanding "people before profits" — as if profit motivation were the source of mankind's troubles — when it's often the absence of profit motivation that's the true villain. First, let's get both the definition and magnitude of profits out of the way. Profits represent the residual claim earned by entrepreneurs.  ... MORE

George Reisman: In Praise Of The Capitalist 1 Percent

Everyone benefits from the hated capitalists. The protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement and its numerous clones elsewhere in the country and around the world chant that 1 percent of the population owns all the wealth and lives at the expense of the remaining 99 percent. The obvious solution that they imply is for the 99 percent to seize the wealth of ... MORE

John Stossel: Governments Don't Create Prosperity

The truth about economic growth. Politicians say they create jobs, but they really don't. Or rather, they rarely create productive jobs. Government has no money of its own. All it does is take resources from one group and give them to another. The pharaohs might have claimed they created work when they ordered that pyramids be built, but think how much richer (and freer) ... MORE