Walter E Williams: The Ticket To Proserity

Private property rights, contracts, personal freedom ... Gaza is home to Palestinian people, who have suffered injustices and have a history of legitimate grievances against both Israel and Arab governments. If there's one immutable fact of life, it is that history cannot be changed or controlled. What can be changed and controlled is the future. ... MORE

Rand Paul Polling Ahead Of Hillary In Important Swing State

by Jana Benscoter.     Pennsylvania is in play for its 2016 presidential election. Philadelphia has been the chosen location for the Democratic National Convention, and Democrats could have their work cut out for them to keep the state blue. On March 31, Pennsylvania Democrats posted on their website a delegate selection plan that allows for    ... MORE

VIDEO: Top 5 Pointless Congressional Hearings On Baseball

Jacob Sullum: Obama Frees Drug War Prisoners

Credit where credit is due.  On October 31, 1996, the Sanilac County Sheriff's Office, which serves a largely rural area in Michigan's thumb, got a call from a local resident who said he was concerned about his neighbor, Darrell Hayden. No one had heard from Hayden for several days, the man said, and his horses were wandering down Argyle Road. The       ... MORE

Scotland: The Most Nannying of Europe's Nanny States

by Brendan O'Neill.    It's all about the mandatory salad bar. Many Americans, when they hear the word Scotland, will think of Mel Gibson in blue facepaint yelling: "FREEDOM!" That's how Scotland is viewed by non-Scots the world over: as a plucky, liberty-loving nation that sits atop snooty England and longs to be free and wild and beer-soaked in  ... MORE

SWAT Team Raids House And Kills Homeowner Because Criminal Who Burglarized The House Told Them To

by Tim Cushing.  We've heard complaints that warrant requirements for searches are an obstacle to efficient crime fighting. Here's a timeline of an incident that led to the death of a homeowner during a SWAT team raid in search of drugs it never foundLate Sept. 22nd/early A.M. Sept. 23rd: David and Teresa Hooks' home was burglarized. Among     ... MORE

Special Operations Troops Doubt Women Can Do The Job

by Lolita C. Baldor.  Expect lower standards to come. Surveys find that men in U.S. special operations forces do not believe women can meet the physical and mental demands of their commando jobs, and they fear the Pentagon will lower standards to integrate women into their elite units, according to interviews and documents. Studies that surveyed   ... MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Breitbart - Racism And The Tea Party

Stop Pretending To Be Offended By Everything

by David Hansanyi.  Lena Dunham received plenty of criticism for her insufferable New Yorker piece titled "Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz." In it, the creator of Girls weighs the pros and cons of getting a pet or keeping her Jewish boyfriend: "He doesn't tip," and "he never brings his wallet anywhere," and so on. The jokes may tell us something about   ... MORE

In Nevada, Applying Lip Balm While Driving Gets You A Fine

Distracted driving laws are great revenue scheme.    A Nevada woman received a $200 ticket after she was pulled over for putting on makeup while she was behind the wheel as part of a statewide crackdown on distracted drivers. So what sort of beauty product was she applying while stopped at a red light?  Lip balm. Stephanie Fragoso was    ...  MORE

VIDEO: Reflecting On Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

New Federal Water Heater Regs Are Tough On Consumers

by Julie Watts.    Time to go tankless? New federal regulations for water heaters will go into effect in a few weeks. They are designed to make them more efficient but many people are running out to buy the older remaining water heaters. While new ones will provide savings on energy costs, consumers will have to pay much more in upfront  ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: What Evidence Would Be Needed To Persuade You That Man-Made Climate Change Is Real?

Evidence does not mandate any particular policy.     In 2005, I changed my mind about climate change: I concluded that the balance of the scientific evidence showed that man-made global warming could likely pose a significant problem for humanity by the end of this century. My new assessment did not please a number of my friends, some of    ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: Jesus Died In A Police State

Challenging power can be dangerous.  It is fitting at a time when the nation is grappling with moral questions about how best to execute death row prisoners, whether police should be held responsible for shooting unarmed citizens, and to what extent we allow the government to dictate, monitor and control every aspect of our lives, that we   ... MORE

A Lawsuit Pushes To Make Prostitution Legal In California

by Chris Sieroty.     When it comes to legal prostitution, Nevada has welcomed brothels in certain counties and in exchange has taxed the industry and demanded strict medical testing for prostitutes to protect both the sex workers and their clients. Even an attempt by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to have lawmakers in Carson City   ... MORE