July 19, 2019

Could I have some news with my emotions, please?

fromTheHill: From the earliest days of television, journalists understood the power of an image to overwhelm objectivity. That’s why Cronkite and others worked hard to present the news without emotional cues.
Media Bias on Parade

New numbers show San Francisco's homeless population has grown by 30 percent

fromReason: Democrats love the poor. That's why they make so many.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Libertarian group demands NASA remove false '97 percent consensus' global warming claim

fromPJMedia: The study — and the 97 percent figure that depends on it — is fatally flawed, and NASA has 120 days to respond to the CEI complaint..
Indoctrination and Censorship

Barr: Justice Dept. is 'all in' on criminal justice overhaul

fromNewser: Under the resentencing provisions of the law, more than 1,600 inmates have qualified for a reduced sentence and more than 1,100 have already been released, a Justice Department official said. 
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Climate Change Wasn't About the Environment At All

fromYouTube/LibertyPen: So you thought climate change was about the environment? From Tucker Carlson Tonight, a peak inside the great Green New Deal deception. Marc Morano, Tucker Carlson. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Beware, the IRS is eyeing your inherited money

fromMarketWatch: From the earliest days of television, journalists understood the power of an image to overwhelm objectivity. That’s why Cronkite and others worked hard to present the news without emotional cues.

July 13, 2019

Is facial recognition the new fingerprinting—or something much worse?

fromHumanEvents: State DMVs are building a vast national digital identification database for federal law enforcement.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

A complete list of alternatives to the Google search engine

fromCollectiveEvolution: Using Google as a search engine is no longer giving you access to unedited truth, as admitted by Google exec Jen Gennai. You will see what Google wants you to see.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Citizens now charged with a crime for repairing their own car in their own garage

fromFreeThoughtProject: Another kick in groin to private property rights. In Sacramento, California, residents can now be fined $500 for simply fixing a tire or changing their car's oil in their "own" driveway.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle               Regulation Nation

Florida sheriff deputy arrested after planting drugs on innocent people

fromReason: Drug war incentives are perverse. Make no mistake, the war on drugs is a war on you.
Police State America                The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange 

Congress votes to block feds from enforcing marijuana laws In legal states

fromHumanEvents: At long last, the federal government is dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Judges appear set to rule against Obamacare individual mandate

fromHumanEvents: It didn't satisfy Obama's overlord mentality enough that government could confiscate a large percentage of your earnings already, he was hellbent on dictating what you must buy. 

July 9, 2019

Trump’s citizenship question isn’t controversial. Obama deleting it should’ve been.

fromHumanEvents: Barack Obama was the first U.S. President to not include a question on nationality in the decennial census.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Some big farms collect big checks from Trump aid package

fromRiverFrontTimes: Trump's tariff policy is a big help to big farming. Tariffs, bailouts, entitlements and subsidies, at their root, are always about vote-buying.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

France has turned into one of the worldwide threats to free speech

fromTheHill: "While our politicians in the United States may applaud Macron like village idiots, most Americans are hardcore believers in free speech. It runs in our blood."
Indoctrination and Censorship

VIDEO: Brendan O'Neill - Political Correct Bigotry

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: British columnist Brendan O’Neil gives an in depth explanation of the sugar-coated tyranny we call political correctness.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Biden vows to bring back Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty for not having insurance

fromRiverFrontTimes: Candidate insists on dictating how previously free Americans must spend the money government doesn't take off the top.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The St. Louis County SWAT team blasted a dog. Now the county owes $750,000

fromRiverFrontTimes: Five years after a St. Louis County SWAT Team raided her home in order to conduct a property inspection related to a missed gas bill, Angela Zorich is walking away with a $750,000 settlement. 

July 3, 2019

Hong Kong protests show dangers of a cashless society

fromReason: Many digital payments can be tracked, potentially assisting an authoritarian crackdown.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Tech Tyranny - Censoring the Town Square

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Record-low American patriotism is the latest casualty of the sharply polarized political climate in the U.S. today. Fewer than half of U.S. adults say they are extremely proud to be Americans.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption            The Government is Not Us

How Amazon and the cops set up an elaborate sting operation that accomplished nothing

fromVice: It was a scare marketing scheme by Amazon that failed when cops were unable to make any arrests.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

The sinister, unconstitutional effort to ban secure encryption is back

fromReason: Government is demanding everyone be more vulnerable to hackers to protect their snooping.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make            The Government is Not Us

U.S. Supreme Court rules police can forcibly carry out blood draws on unconscious drivers

fromRutherfordInstitute: Screw the Fourth Amendment.
Police State America

American pride hits new low; few proud of political system

fromGallup: Record-low American patriotism is the latest casualty of the sharply polarized political climate in the U.S. today. Fewer than half of U.S. adults say they are extremely proud to be Americans.

July 1, 2019

Political winds have shifted in favor of marijuana legalization

fromTheHill: At the federal level, members of the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time overwhelmingly voted in favor of legislation halting federal interference in state-specific marijuana laws.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Homelessness and the problem of public space

fromMises: The debate is between leftwing activists and nearly everyone else: namely, that public spaces ought to be opened up for use by anyone wishing to live on it.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Drug warriors peddle fears about cocaine -- again

fromReason: Cocaine offers better value than the market in prohibitionist fears.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

⭐️ VIDEO: In Their Own Words - The Democratic Party's Vision for America

fromConsortiumNews: From the Democratic Party Presidential Candidates Debate (June 26-27, 2019), candidates put forward their vision to transform America into a socialist utopia.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption           Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Kamala Harris is a cop who wants to be president

fromReason: The California senator and former prosecutor has a long record of pushing illiberal policies. 

CIA seeking more impunity

fromConsortiumNews: The agency is trying to get a pass on crimes even before they’re committed and it represents a threat to press freedom.

June 26, 2019

As war drums beat for Iran, remember, lies and propaganda started nearly every war in US history

fromFreeThoughtProject: As the media and government continue to push for an all out war with Iran, remember that these same people have been caught repeatedly lying to start nearly every war in US history.
Defense Versus The War Machine          Indoctrination and Censorship

Walter E Williams: Reparations for slavery

fromCreators: If money alone were the answer, the many issues facing a large segment of the black community would have been solved.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market          Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Bernie Sanders wants to cancel all student debt and make college free, at a cost of $2.2 trillion

fromReason: The economic illiterate just outbid Elizabeth Warren's attempt to buy the student vote.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption             Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Here's how a bird started a fire at a California solar farm

fromBNNBloomberg: Solar farms have been proven to be an efficient means of electrocuting birds and starting fires, in addition to being an eyesore to the California landscape.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

VIDEO: Walter E Williams - A Tyrant's Recipe for Cooking a Frog

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: To take away the liberty of Americans, politicians must first know how to cook a frog.

June 24, 2019

House votes down amendment to ban warrantless spying on Americans

fromDigitalJournal: The Charlatans, who are SO quick to swear on the Bible that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, have just effectively repealed the Fourth Amendment.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make           The Government is Not Us

Warrantless arrest and the role of probable cause

fromSearchLight: “Probable cause” are a powerful words for police officers, but that doesn't mean they can arrest a person on a hunch. Although there need not be absolute certainty, there must be more than mere suspicion.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

The Jackboots are coming: Mass arrests, power grabs and the politics of fear

fromTheRutherfordInstitute: How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none?
Police State America           The Government is Not Us

Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez plan to cap credit card interest rates will backfire on consumers

fromUSAToday: The effective elimination of usury ceilings transformed the credit card market, as many previously-excluded consumers gained access to credit cards for the first time.

June 21, 2019

Decentralize the drug war — on the way to abolishing it

fromTheDailyBell: It was only a few decades ago that legalizing marijuana was still considered fringe. Now, marijuana legalization is a commonly accepted policy proposition.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Bernie Sanders - How America would Feel the Bern

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Bernie Sanders' vision for America, in his own words.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market           Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

"He will get subpoenaed": Congressman assures 'triggered' Joe Scarborough that Mueller will testify

fromZeroHedge: "It's going to happen. He will get subpoenaed."
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Enemy of the state: The war on Julian Assange

fromMedium: Assange is to be made an example of to journalists not only in the US but in other nations as well. If he winds up extradited and found guilty, this will be a hammerblow to reporters who constantly are working on exposed truths and secrets and pertains not only to the US but to other governments as well.
Indoctrination and Censorship              The Government is Not Us

Central planning is poisonous to innovation

fromCreators: It was only a few decades ago that legalizing marijuana was still considered fringe. Now, marijuana legalization is a commonly accepted policy proposition.
Regulation Nation

We fabricated drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas, former detective testifies

fromNYDailyNews: A former NYPD narcotics detective snared in a corruption scandal testified it was common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas.
Police State America                                 The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

June 18, 2019

Beneath the anti-Trump rage is an irrational fear of freedom

fromActivistPost: An irrational fear of individual liberty is widespread among progressives, and it’s consistent with their view that government must have a hand in just about every single thing we do.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

DOJ bloodhounds on the scent of John Brennan

fromConsortiumNews: The day of reckoning for Brennan, Comey and Clapper is fast approaching, as Mr. Barr begins shining light under government rocks.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

This Assange supporter excoriating the press Is the best thing you’ll watch all day

fromCaitlinJohnstone: America’s free speech rights are among the most protective in the world. We should take pride in them, but we must also protect them through the decisions we make every day.
Indoctrination and Censorship           Media Bias on Parade

Walter E Williams: How to create conflict

fromTownhall: "Too many Americans want government to grow and have more power over our lives. That means conflict among us is going to rise.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

The answer to the social media conundrum will not come from government

fromActivistPost: America’s free speech rights are among the most protective in the world. We should take pride in them, but we must also protect them through the decisions we make every day.
Indoctrination and Censorship                 Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Facebook's secret 'hate agent' formula leaked by insider

fromZeroHedge: If you praise the wrong individual, interview them, or appear at events alongside them, Facebook may categorize you as a “hate agent.”

June 14, 2019

Cuba rations food as its socialist economy enters crisis mode

fromMises: You probably know what is going on in Venezuela. You probably don't know what is going on in Cuba.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Great lakes reveal a fatal flaw in climate change ‘science’

fromIssues&Insights: "if nothing can disprove a theory, and every event, no matter how contradictory, is proof that the theory is valid, is that really science? Sounds more like a religion."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

New cars to be equipped with breathalyzers, drivers given mental health assessments

fromActivistPosts: Seeking to emulate China, Rep. Kathleen Rice’s H.R. 3374 bill, otherwise known as the End Drunk Driving Act, would put breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices in every new car.
Regulation Nation

The city of Vallejo, California, has a police problem—and it's all being caught on camera

fromReason: A small city in California has been plagued by police shootings, costly civil rights lawsuits, and incidents of excessive force.
Police State America

From 2015 to ’18, Contra Costa cops seized $1.1 million from people not charged with a crime

fromMises: Marijuana made up $1.2 million, the largest single source of cash. If we are governed by consent of the people, the people must have been demanding this. Or, perhaps we should check our premises.

Rising conservatives are as hostile to freedom as the Leftists they disdain

fromReason: Republicans, who have gleefully warned the public about Democratic flirtations with socialism, shouldn't be quick to gloat given the emergence of an anti-freedom movement on the Right.

June 12, 2019

California Democratic Party: First Amendment ‘Limited to exclude hate speech’

fromDailyWire: The First Amendment exists primarily to protect unpopular speech (hate speech for some) since popular speech needs no protection, a concept lost on California's Democratic Party.
Indoctrination and Censorship        Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow - Julian Assange and the Future of a Free Press

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: When the operations of government are shielded from public view democracy is a farce. Prosecuting the publisher of such information could only be acknowledgement that the government is not us.  
The Government is Not Us       Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: Walter E Williams - The Future of Free Enterprise and Liberty

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A warning about the trajectory of economic and personal liberty in America.  
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Empty words: Why Pelosi is suddenly saying she wants Trump ‘in prison’

fromWashingtonExaminer: The “in prison” line allows the speaker to look like a good anti-Trump ally, but it is clearly in service of avoiding an impeachment.  
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Not the Onion: Biden promises to cure cancer If elected

fromZeroHedge: This begs the question, why do politicians lie? Answer: Voters want the impossible and only a liar will promise it.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Federal court rules citizens well within the law to tell a cop “f**k you”

fromFreeThoughtProject: While a federal court ruled this month that citizens can swear at police officers and the police officers cannot arrest them for it, it is still not recommended.  

June 10, 2019

U.S. government’s moves against Julian Assange are a blueprint for making journalists into felons

fromTheStar: Empowering prosecutors to decide who does or doesn’t deserve press protections would restrict “freedom of the press” to a small, cloistered priesthood of privileged citizens designated by the government as “journalists.” The First Amendment was written to avoid precisely that danger.  
The Government is Not Us        Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: Homelessness - California's Ugly Growth Industry

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: California has an epidemic of homelessness that is hard to believe. A look at what is going on in Golden State’s richest cities. Karen Hix, Tucker Carlson.  
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market      The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency

Hacking dirty government secrets is not a crime

fromCounterpunch: "Corporate media’s instant reversal on Assange—from rapist scum to First Amendment hero—elevates self-serving hypocrisy to high art. But that’s OK. Whatever gets Assange closer to freedom is welcome."  
The Government is Not Us        Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Give up your password or go to jail: Police push legal boundaries to get into cellphones

fromNBCNews: “The world should know that what they’re doing out here is crazy,” said a man who refused to share his passcode with police.  
Police State America

You’re under arrest: How the police state muzzles our right to speak truth to power

fromRutherfordInstitute: "What the architects of the police state want are submissive, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority and don’t speak out against government misconduct."  
Police State America

Oakland, California decriminalizes magic mushrooms and peyote

fromUSAToday: The city council’s vote directed law enforcement to cease investigating and prosecuting individuals for using or possessing drugs sourced from plants, cacti and – most commonly – mushrooms.  

June 7, 2019

Congress proposes legislation to screen adults and children to predict if you pose a threat

fromFreeThoughtProject: The TAPS Act would encourage law enforcement to give everyone a personal threat assessment (kids and adults) and single out those that they deem as future threats.   
Government is Watching Every Move You Make        Police State America

Republicans join Democrats to kill Rand Paul's Pennies Plan because no one cares about the debt

fromWashingtonExaminer: It wouldn't solve our debt crisis, but it would ameliorate it somewhat. So naturally, a large bipartisan majority voted to block it from the Senate floor.  
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Don Boudreaux - Why Free Trade is ALWAYS Best Policy

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Economist Don Boudreaux eloquently explains how, despite the economic policies of other countries, free trade is always the most beneficial policy for the citizens. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Hey Trump: Remember Wikileaks?

fromRonPaulInstitute: Governments hate it when the truth is told about them. They prefer to kill the messenger rather than face the message.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Watchdog says FBI has access to about 640M photographs

fromAP: A government watchdog says the FBI has access to about 640 million photographs — including from driver’s licenses, passports and mugshots — that can be searched using facial recognition technology.  

June 5, 2019

Could prostitution be next to be decriminalized?

fromNYTimes: Marijuana has gone mainstream, casino gambling is everywhere and sports wagering is spreading. Could prostitution be next? It will happen just as soon as the government figures out how to replace the pimp as profiteer.  
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

"It's all a fraud": Deceptive edits found in Mueller Report

fromZeroHedge: Mueller's deceptive edits beg the question; what else may have been manipulated by the special counsel to make Trump look guilty?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Police to use TSA-style scanners to spy on people in public places

fromMassPrivateI: TSA-style body scanners are coming to public spaces, and that should scare the hell out of everyone.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Julian Assange - Wikileaks and the 2016 Presidential Election

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Journalist Julian Assange gives a fascinating interview in 2016 by Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi, regarding the Wikileaks disclosures that affected the 2016 presidential election.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Cops raid innocent family, stop mom from breastfeeding for ‘smelling weed’—they found none

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: If you wonder why some folks have an adversity to cops, you need only watch these bullies harassing a family under the pretense of having smelled weed. And they claim to be public servants.
Police State America

Walter E Williams: Colleges committed to ideological diversity

fromCreators: Students "have to walk on eggshells, respect taboos, snitch on fellow students for politically incorrect jokes and learn to use ad hominem arguments as a means to attack ideas they find "disagreeable."

June 3, 2019

The predictable fate of Julian Assange: An assault against liberty

fromLewRockwell: The American herd will likely never understand the monstrous risk and extreme danger in what is being done to Julian Assange.
Indoctrination and Censorship        Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Is AOC a white supremacist?

fromMises: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have exposed her true self, unleashing something so awful, so disgusting, so fascist and racist that it likely left many of her viewers triggered and in need of a safe space. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Illinois is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. Here Is what the bill would do

fromReason: New York legislators also are taking another shot at legalization. 
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

The welfare state is tearing Sweden apart

fromMises: Forced multiculturalism increases polarization and tribalism along the most basic, and most easily recognized dividing lines. 
The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency

Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role

fromTheHill: No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. 

May 31, 2019

Alexa ‘could be about to get even creepier,’ Amazon patent reveals

fromYahooNews: It would alter how Echo works - so that instead of waiting for its ‘wake word’, Alexa, it would effectively be listening all the time. Only a potent 2nd Amendment will keep this from eventually being mandatory.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Victor Davis Hanson - Evaluating Donald Trump

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A brilliant analysis of the phenomenon known as Donald Trump.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Press freedom: Widespread confusion about who counts as a journalist and whether it matters

fromCreators: We have a First Amendment. Freedom is not a special privilege that belongs only to officially recognized journalists. It applies to all of us when we use technologies of mass communication.
The Government is Not Us     Indoctrination and Censorship

Cops strip-searched a 4-year-old after mom's errand took too long

fromReason: How dare the authorities not only second-guess a mom's very safe decision, but take their investigation so far beyond the bounds of common sense—and decency?
Police State America

Tide of public opinion is turning in Assange’s favor

fromConsortiumNews: The indictment of Julian Assange under the Espionage Act has profoundly affected press coverage of the WikiLeaks founder.
The Government is Not Us     Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption      Indoctrination and Censorship

The Right’s latest tactic on gun laws? Just don’t enforce them

fromRollingStone: Counties across the country are sticking it to “big city elites” by declaring themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries”

May 29, 2019

"The most destructive breach In history": Hackers use NSA code to grind Baltimore to a halt

fromReason: It has now been revealed that a key component of the malware used by cyber-criminals was actually developed just a short drive from Baltimore - at the NSA, according to the New York Times.
The Government is Not Us

Walter E Williams: Slavery is neither strange nor peculiar

fromReason: The favorite leftist tool for the attack on our nation's founding is that slavery was sanctioned.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

IRS defends giving refunds to illegal immigrants

fromFoxNewsInsider: In a letter to Congress, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen defended the decision to allow illegal immigrants to get refunds from the agency.
The Government is Not Us

Weapons of war on our streets: A guide to the militarization of America's police

fromAmmo: The only people with “weapons of war” on America’s streets are, increasingly, the police.
Police State America

“Truth ultimately Is all we have:” Julian Assange appeals for public support

fromGlobalResearch: “The US government or rather those regrettable elements in it that hate truth liberty and justice want to cheat their way into my extradition and death rather than letting the public hear the truth."
Indoctrination and Censorship

The inside story of how Denver decriminalized magic mushrooms

fromReason: Decriminalize Denver campaign director Kevin Matthews speaks about his winning strategy and the new frontier of drug policy.

May 27, 2019

The state can't keep drugs out of prisons. How was it ever going to keep them out of America?

fromReason: This is the nature of government. It can't stop the flow of illicit substances in a sealed and militarized building that's under its total control.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Trump’s justice department uses Julian Assange as stalking horse to make journalism a crime

fromDailyBeast:   The administration argues Assange isn't a journalist, in the hope his unpopularity will make people forget why we can’t have the government deciding who counts as a journalist.
Indoctrination and Censorship

VIDEO: MS-13 - Preferred Gang of the Democratic Party

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:   In order to defend Democratic Party policies that attract illegal immigrants and allow them to operate, Nancy Pelosi and others are willing to protect the deadliest, most savage street gang in America. 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

WATCH: Cops open door to home, don’t ID themselves, kill innocent unarmed teen and a dog

fromFreeThoughtProject:   An innocent unarmed teen was playing video games on a couch when a police officer opens the door, without announcing himself and kills him.
Police State America

3D-printed guns are back, and this time they are unstoppable

fromWired:   A decentralized network of gun-printing advocates is mobilising online, they're anonymously sharing blueprints, advice and building a community. There's no easy way they can be halted.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Trump strikes back

fromKunsler: "The bad faith of his antagonists exceeds even Mr. Trump’s defects and vices." Their plot failed. "And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they fucked it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95."